Tuesday, March 11, 2008

#32 Win a Fantasy Football Championship

First of all, I understand it's not football season. It's March and football won't even begin for another five months. But here at 99thingsbefore30, it's always football season. Football in the summer, football in the winter, football all the time. Anyway, as the title of this post suggests, one of my goals before I reach the age of 30 is to win a fantasy football championship. This isn't just any fantasy football championship where I join a random league on Yahoo and take my team to the top. It's not that simple. This is for all the marbles. This is the only league that matters and the only championship that ever matters, the one where I wasted many weekend afternoon and nights painstakingly watching football games that I do not give a shit about. This is about winning the fantasy football league that I have with my friends at school.

Yeah, winning a fantasy football championship, easy task. No way, not so fast. It's not that easy. It's not easy when you have 9 other guys against you who are all staking their claim to being the best in the league. Like Newton said, every action has a reaction. In this league, that's always the case, as every game-winning touchdown depicts an image where you have one person celebrating with excessive joy, while his opponent is crushed by a figurative blow to his hopes of winning. It's like this every week, every Sunday and Monday when dreams go to die and hope rarely spring eternal. It's very interesting to watch how 10 grown men can react so feverishly to events that bear little significance on the rest of their lives, but unbearable to experience.

You see, my friends and I have been involved in this 10-team league for the past two years. And I have not won in either of these two years. Instead, my friend Danny has unfortunately taken the prize in BOTH FREAKING years. I congratulate him on a job well done but it is time for him to be dethroned from his championship reign. With that being said, I plan to win it all next year. If not, then the year after next. And if that doesn't happen yet again, then I will win by the time I turn 30 fo sho.

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